Ny Maseratiklubb i Spanien

För att fira Maseratis 100-årsjubileum kommer det bildas en Maseratiklubb i Spanien och Portugal – Maserati Club Iberia!

Invigningen sker i Barcelona, första helgen i april (5-6 april), så det är ett hett tips att ta en långhelg där då och passa på att njuta av både sol och fina bilar!

Information från klubbens organisatör:

Maserati Club Iberia

It is being created the club for owners of cars of the Trident in Spain and Portugal. All the Maserati fans are invited to join and become Members of the Club.

The scheduled date for the presentation is during the weekend on 5th and 6th April. In Barcelona, in Montmelo Circuit.

A big concentration with historic, classic and new Maserati cars in order to also celebrate 100 years of its creation. With many and spectacular surprises.

We will be very glad to have your assistance and be able to celebrate it together, I beg you to send an email to Maserati Club Iberia organizer:
